Converted into an interface, the wall can recognize, memorize, and interact with passers-by. In addition to eliminating the boundary between the human and the
digital world, the wall becomes a friendly medium for behavioral dialogue, building bridges among strangers.
— Respond, Memory, & Interlink —
Walls, as fundamental elements of architecture, make up the interface of the city. However, they are independent of each other and static. Therefore, we managed to make a prototype of the wall, which can respond to the human activities, memory passengers and connect strangers with each other. Accordingly, we could explore a possibility of the future city based on it.
— Phase one: Respond —
Firstly, when people pass by, the Memory Wall will generate points that follow people. Besides, the waves of the upper surface and the lower surface can be affected by people's movement.
— Phase two: Memory —
Secondly, we found that every passerby has his unique characteristic. Therefore, we decided to let the wall ``memory`` passersby by using the Kinect to recognize and analyze their postures.
Thus, if the passerby stays in front of the wall for more than 5 seconds, the wall will ``memory`` the passenger by identifying the skeletal data and storing the posture.
The memory part is based on the skeletal data. By recognizing positions of the head, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, thumbs, spine, hip, knees, ankles, and feet, the Memory wall enables to store the posture; by calculating angles between joints, the wall enables to match the posture with same ones.
— Phase three: Interlink —
Finally, by showing the relevance of the posture, the Memory wall would connect strangers with each other.
The right surface would show the current posture’s position in the database and highlight it.
The upper surface would show the number of passersby that made the same posture.
The left surface would show the first version of this posture that the Memory wall had memorized.
The matching process is based on retrieving skeletal data stored in the database. Comparing the current posture with saved ones, the Memory wall will show the relevance of strangers.
— Final work —
— Assembly —
To achieve the most dynamic and vivid performance, my teammates and I designed a wooden framework.
— Exhibition —
Some of the visitors were surprised by the outcome that more than 100 visitors had made the same posture as they did, while others kept giving funny, unrecorded poses.
Instructors: Gang Song, Sen Dai
Teammates: Tianjian Li, Weixin Qiu, David negua negua Andeme
Contribution: Processing program design, projection design, Kinect calibration, partial installation of the frame, video editing
Location: School of Architecture, SCUT, Guangzhou, China
Duration: Mar, 2017 - Jun, 2017
Exhibition: Fun Theory
Location: Southern Gallery, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, June 2017 - July 2017
- Project: Memory wall (exhibition of the installation)